Roadmap for Programming

Programming languages are tools used to communicate instructions to a computer. Think of them like different languages humans speak — each language has its syntax and strengths.Why Should You Learn Programming? To solve problems and automate tasks. Programming opens up job opportunities and helps you think logically.

Procedural: Break down tasks into procedures or routines (functions).
Example: C++. Object-Oriented (OOP): Organize code around objects (data and functions). Example: Python, Java. Functional: Focus on computation through mathematical functions.

OOP is a programming paradigm where the program is designed using objects, which represent real-world entities. The idea is to structure programs by creating objects that contain both data (attributes) and methods (functions).

Class , Object , Inheritance ,
Polymorphism , Encapsulation , Abstraction

Code Reusability , Code Maintainability ,
Code Scalability ,Real-World Modeling ,

Python: One of the easiest languages to learn OOP due to its simple syntax.
Java: A purely OOP language used for large-scale enterprise applications.
C++: Provides a mix of procedural and object-oriented paradigms.

C++: Choose if you’re interested in systems programming, game development, or understanding how computers work at a low level.
Python: Ideal if you want a simple start to programming, or are interested in data science, web development, or automation.
Java: Best if you’re looking into enterprise applications, Android development, or backend systems.