By Sahil Srinivas
function myFunction() {
// This function reads birthdates from a google sheet and adds them to a calendar, so you don't have to remember everyone's birthdays!
var SHEET_ID = "";
var SHEET_NAME = "";
var Sheets1 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("SHEET_ID").getSheetByName("SHEET_NAME");
var file = Sheets1.getDataRange().getValues();//Array of input values
for(var i=1;i<file.length;i++){
//Start from 1 to exclude header, if there is no header, start from 0
date = new Date(file[i][4]);
now = new Date();
calendar = CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(`${file[i][1]}'s Birthday`,date);
var id = calendar.getId();