By akshaybade13
// You are given an n x n binary matrix grid. You are allowed to change at most one 0 to be 1. A group of connected 1s forms an island. Two 1s are connected if they share one of their sides with each other.
// Return the size of the largest island in the grid after applying this operation. // Input: // grid = [[1,0],[0,1]] // Output: // 3 // Explanation: // Change any one 0 to 1 and connect two 1s, then we get an island with area = 3.
class DisjointSet
int findUPar(int node) {
if (node == parent[node])
return node;
return parent[node] = findUPar(parent[node]);
void unionByRank(int u, int v) {
int ulp_u = findUPar(u);
int ulp_v = findUPar(v);
if (ulp_u == ulp_v) return;
if (rank[ulp_u] < rank[ulp_v]) {
parent[ulp_u] = ulp_v;
else if (rank[ulp_v] < rank[ulp_u]) {
parent[ulp_v] = ulp_u;
else {
parent[ulp_v] = ulp_u;
void unionBySize(int u, int v) {
int ulp_u = findUPar(u);
int ulp_v = findUPar(v);
if (ulp_u == ulp_v) return;
if (size[ulp_u] < size[ulp_v]) {
parent[ulp_u] = ulp_v;
size[ulp_v] += size[ulp_u];
else {
parent[ulp_v] = ulp_u;
size[ulp_u] += size[ulp_v];
class Solution
bool isValid(int newr, int newc, int n) {
return newr >= 0 && newr < n && newc >= 0 && newc < n;
int largestIsland(vector<vector